In Search Of...

In the above pictures, you can see the Orbs very brightly, and clearly. On the picture to the left, the Orb is just behind my friend Tyler. It looks like it's moving towards him. You can see the light trail behind the Orb. In the picture to the right, my friend Allen Has a very small, but bright Orb above his head. 

The photo to the left shows another Orb. It's not as bright as the others shown, but still there. The photo to the right is of my friends Shantel and Angie. They were totally surrounded by Orbs. 

In the photo above, you'll have to excuse the type of photo my friend had me take, but I felt compelled to show you a part of this pic that made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. If you look just above the bright sparks about half way into the will see an image. What does this look like to you? Everyone that has seen this photo personally all agree that it looks like a photo of a demon. I don't know for sure, but it DOES look like it! 

In the three photos above, the Orbs manifested themselves brightly. The Orbs are blue and red in color. Red signifies restlessness, anger, high energy. While Orbs in the color pilot light blue color signify shielding.

For possible meanings of colored Orbs Click Here!

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