In Search Of... Questions & Answers

This section of the website is dedicated to answering most of your questions about what EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) is.  



     No one knows exactly how or why the phenomena occurs. Some possible reasons could be:

  1. From people that have died.
  2. Could be either or both of angels and demons.
  3. The voices are coming from our own thoughts. (Skeptics believe this!) 
  4. Many people believe that the voices are of the dead, trapped inbetween dementions. They simply got "stuck" in limbo, and therefore trying to communicate with the living.
  5. Skeptics of EVP's theorize that the sounds and "voices" heard are from outside; people talking in the background (Not spirits or ghosts), normal noise from the surroundings...ect.



     How to record EVP's... 

     There are several ways to record EVP's. Some examples are:


  • Radio - By tuning into static or "white noise", and recording.
  • TV - Recording VHS or DVD's on static channels of your TV.
  • DVR - Using a digital Recording Device (DVR). This is one of the easiest ways to record EVP's. (Michael and I use a RCA VR5220 Digital Voice Recorder)
  • Tape Recorder - Use a tape recorder, using an external microphone. (The noise the machine makes while recording could be picked up on a internal microphone) Remember to always use top quality blank tapes. Never re-use them. And only use one side of the tape for recording.




     Taking Pics Of Orbs or Ghosts...


     Skeptics say that in order to get a true picture of Orbs or Ghosts, you must do most or all of the following:


  1. Never go investigating by yourself.
  2. Always bring a cell phone with you, or walkie-talkie's.
  3. Bring plenty of batteries, because since a spirit, or entity is energy, it draws energy from your electronics.
  4. Make sure to always clean your lense of your camera several times through your investigation.
  5. Never smoke anywhere near where your taking pictures. The smoke could make the picture look like you captured a spirit, or ghost. Make sure to alot for a special place for smoking, and designate this spot only.
  6. Always use two forms of documentation when investigating. For example: Use a DVR and either a video or still camera. If you can confirm that you are getting readings, exactly the same from both sources. This will be more convincing proof of your investigation.
  7. Always believe in your gut instinct. If the inner you thinks you need to go right, then go right. If your instincts (gut feeling) is telling you that you feel nothing, then your probably correct. And by all means, if your gut feeling is to leave immediately, then go! (Better safe than sorry!)


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