In Search Of...

      One of the things that the TV shows won't tell you are the hidden dangers of ghost hunting. Ghost hunting and investigations need to be taken seriously. Some people think, "If you can't touch it, it's not real, it can't hurt you.". But that simply is not true. Not everything that can happen to you is something that yu can see, hear, touch, or feel. Some things that can happen are:

  • Demonic Infestation
  • Taking home "hitch hikers" from an investigative site
  • Emotional disturbances
  • Total chaos in your life
  • Loss of a job
  • Loss of a loved one
  • Suddenly becoming sick with no reason
  • Death of pets

     The list goes on and on. I think you get the point. But it's even more important that you do NOT include your children with your investigations. I know that on Cartoon Network, there is a show they have created that is based on children ghost hunting. THIS is not recommended!

     Spirits, demons and the like, FEED on innocent souls like children. Even adults should take care in protecting themselves while investigating. Not every place you go will inhibit a "mean" spirit or demon. But the fact of the matter is, how do you know which one will? You don't!

     In this section of In Search Of... I have included an article page that is HIGHLY regarded as a "MUST READ" in ghost hunting. It's called, "Ghost Hunting 101 And Beyond". Click Here to go there now. Be sure to grab a soda, cup of coffee, a snack...your going to be reading for a while! But everything in there is CRUCIAL if you are serious about paranormal investigations.

     If you are a doctor, you must first go to school to learn how to practice medicine. If you are a hair dresser, you must go to school to learn how to cut hair and chemicals and get certified. So, why wouldn't you take the time to learn about the trade or hobby your interested in? It only makes sense!

     Please dont get me wrong. Paranormal investigations are fun, and thrilling. But, you also need to know the dangers in it, and learn how to protect yourself against the "Unknown". I am simply supplying you with the tips and tools you should know to keep you, your family, and friends safe.


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